Laura España

I’m Laura España, fantasy product designer based in Barcelona

Figma lover, I like to design with a cat always warming my lap. Day (and coffee) person, I keep curiosity as my greatest treasure. I pursue to learn something new every day. When I grow up I want to be... just happy!

Let's talk
  • User Interface design
  • User Experience design
  • Design Systems
  • Behavioral Design
  • Neuroscience & Psicology
  • Accesibility

Selected work

Clay DS
Design Systems

Clay DS

Clay is a fully tokenized design system, which allows for great flexibility and scalability. As its name suggests, Clay is there to mold, shape, play... and have fun!

HCP’s Loyalty platform
This project has restricted access

HCP’s Loyalty platform

An HCP loyalty platform is a rewards program that incentivizes healthcare professionals to remain loyal to a brand, product, or service through exclusive offers, points, and rewards.

Wallet app
This project has restricted access
Design System - UI

Wallet app

Participated in the creation of a custom design system for a wallet application and the mapping and implementation into current workflows.

I have worked for clients such as...

BayerLETIPharmaRiyad BankOsha

Licenses and certifications


Design System Bootcam



Mapping Customer Journeys


The Interaction Design Foundation

Conducting Usability Testing

The Interaction Design Foundation

Irrational Labss

Behavioral Economics Bootcamp

Irrational Labs

“Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

Let's talk

You can contact me through LinkedIn or by writing me an email at

© 2022 - Laura España